Monday, November 05, 2007

Guy Fawkes and a heatwave

Once again, the weather hit the headlines.

Having had a reasonably unproductive day yesterday, I knuckled down to work early in the morning, even before the children left for school.

I crouched before the computer working on yet another financial report but despite being transfixed by the number crunching I soon noticed that it was unbearably warm. There was a horribly hot, dry wind wafting in through the windows - a heat wave.

The north facing rooms were nicely dark and cool but the sitting room was trying it's darned to resemble a kiln.
I closed the windows, as keeping the warm air out is the best remedy in this situation but decided against air conditioning as I was working in the other room.

I also rushed to launder a large load of jeans. The clothes on the line were already bone dry and such a hot wind is more efficient than any tumble dryer.

Heat waves are typical of the Israeli autumn but November the 5th did seem a little late in the year. The news confirmed my suspicion that it was unusual. They have only recorded such high temperatures in November twice since the establishment of the state.

Oh for November 5th in England. Guy Fawkes Night with bonfires and fireworks and weather so cold we had to wear a coat, scarf and hat! Here it is nearly midnight and I am too hot in long sleeves!

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