Monday, July 24, 2006

Just when I was relaxing...

Today has been pretty routine. So when my husband phoned a few minutes ago I assumed it was to tell me that he was coming home early.

But no! They are in the shelters. A katuysha fell near them, so near they actually saw it land. One aso landed near the factory in Naharia where my father-in-law works so he is in the shelters too.

My husband is not sure if they will carry on working or come home but he doesn’t have good reception from the shelter so I will have to wait for an answer.

Almost as soon as I put the phone down on my husband there is another call. My father-in-law. Yes, they are in the shelter but he has decided to go home to the relative safety of Acco. My mother-in-law and her mother have had enough of the situation so tomorrow he is taking them to Tel Aviv. Will they come back? We’ll see.

My father-in-law also tells me that in Shlomi some one has been injured by shrapnel. I’ll resist turning on the TV for a bit instead I’ll surf over to Ynet to check the ticker and the latest news stories.

Meanwhile the children are in the safety room supposedly doing some math but actually just making a lot of noise, yelling melodramatically every time there is a loud boom - which means frequently.

Where are my headache pills?


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