Monday, August 07, 2006

A More Positive Note?

Here is a nice article on the local hospital - The hospital where my two children were born. Of course it is not nice that a hospital was hit but it was good to hear they were so well prepared and no one was hurt.

13 thoughts from Yair Lapid.

As I surfed around I happened on Pravda. I remember learning about it during history lessons on the Soviet Revolution so it seems almost anachronistic for it to be online. It definately has a quirky style and is not as vehemently anti-Israel as I would have expected. And who new llamas were part of the war effort? Maybe I could knit some llama wool army socks for my husband.

At least there is something positive going on in the Israeli economy. I think this is the computer chip they were talking about on the TWiT podcast ( 63).

Something sweet to finish? Elite is donating chocolate 'hugs' to our soldiers. Huggle Time!


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